I saw a large flock of sparrow-sized birds flying around from the window. They moved so fast and I could not check the type. They are Japanese Waxwing or Bohemian Waxwing. They take a break at the trees in the park along the mountain. Great Spotted Woodpecker also appears and it is a lively New Year.
2020 Jan.2
2020 Jan.2
I found the Brown dipper at Naka-no river in the town area of Sapporo. The Brown dipper took the feast of the season.
2018 Sep.30
札幌市手稲区の公園で野鳥たちは何を食べているのでしょうか? 葉っぱをついばんでいるのは菜食だから? ではなさそうです。
What do wild birds eat at the park in Teine, Sapporo? They take plants? It seems not to be.
2018 May
豊平川の河川敷にカモメを見つけました。ふだんは水辺なのになぜ河川敷? 草刈りするとエサを見つけやすくなる?
This gull takes some meal at the riverbed instead of a waterside. Mowing would make it easier to find feeds.
2018 Aug.
You can find many wild birds at Toyohira river,Sapporo. These Mallards are most friendly for us to watch.
2018 Aug.
This is also a film at a park in Sapporo Teine. Varied tit feeds other after flapping its wings. It is a courtesy gift.
2018 May
During this spring holiday, I was taking films of wild birds at the park in Sapporo Teine everyday. Some bird watchers taught me the name of Dusky thrush.
2018 May
In the park in Sapporo Teine, I was able to shoot six species of birds by taking a walk for 30 minutes. I shyly counted the images that were not in focus.
2018 May
In May, you can find several speceis of birds at one hour walk in Sapporo Teine. Great spotted woodpecker is one of these birds.
2018 May
When cherry blossoms bloom, I found a pair of chestnut-cheeked starling. Are they male? Female female? Or mating?
2018 May
In spring forest, high tone tweeting took us to this birds. We filmed how a grey-headed wood pecker gets off the trees.
2018 May
Black-faced bunting was tweeting for spring at the riverside on the back of the station.
2018 Apr.
Wildlife and rivers in Hokkaido are faced with uncertainty.
Human chaotic advance and changing climate are making impact to the natural environment of Hokkaido.
But picking up a fact would make people wise and pious.
We hope these films help people to have a sense of wonder.
札幌市手稲区 / Head Quarters, Teine Sapporo HOKKAIDO JAPAN